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Meet Edith, Our Founder

Hola! I'm Edith! I am a licensed therapist that experienced burnout in 2020 and left my full-time job during my own mental health crisis (or breakthrough). During that time, I felt I needed to do something from the heart to help myself heal and began crafting my products and Love Boxes. I studied Reiki Energy at the time and began using it for myself and infusing it into my healing tools. The first Love Box I created was for myself and I experienced firsthand the benefits of using my tools and creating an intentional space to love and honor myself. I wanted for others to feel the same during a time when social distancing was in place, this is how Lotus Love Box was born.


Every Lotus Love Box order is cleansed & infused with Reiki Energy from myself, a Reiki II Practitioner. 


"Our mission is to tell our loved ones, including ourselves, that we are loved despite what we may be going through and that love is the foundation for our wellness."

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